Welcome to the 2024-2025 Dance Season!


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome! Our office and teaching staff are very excited to be working with you and your children. As Bellevue Dance Academy enters its 18th season, we reflect on the many students that have walked through our doors. Whether you are a new or returning student, we thank you for being a part of the Bellevue Dance Academy family and look forward to the numerous memories we will create together. Most important notices will be sent through e-mail. Please be sure we have an up-to-date e-mail address on file for you. We are happy to have you as part of our BDA family! As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@bellevuedanceacademy.com.

We look forward to a wonderful season of dancing with you! 💜💚

Many thanks,

Susan Quint, Studio Director

Studio Arrival and Departure Info

Here is some helpful studio arrival and departure information as it relates to dancer drop-off, parking, and receiving students after class. If you have any questions, please call us at 402-291-3727 or email info@bellevuedanceacademy.com. Below is a visual map of our one-way traffic pattern and studio door locations.


Please arrive 5 - 8 minutes before class. If you are dropping a dancer off who does not require assistance, please pull up to the Drop-Off Zone right next to the end of the sidewalk on the south side of the building. If your child still requires assistance, please find a parking spot, andwalk them to their entrance.


Thank you for using the drive-thru for drop-off and pick-up whenever possible. Parents may wait in the lobby, however, thank you for letting our dancers have first priority to space.


In the last few minutes of class, a faculty/staff member will have dancers begin to collect their belongings, and bring them to the front. Please do NOT have your child walk across the traffic to your parked vehicle.


When using the Drop Off/Pick Up Zone, simply exit onto the street right beside the building. Thank you for always being aware and watching for pedestrians.

Do Not park in Willabee’s lot or behind the PAS. We are not allowed access to these spots.



We believe that an open line of communication between the dance teacher and the parents is essential to a successful dance experience. Our teachers will email the class periodically to update the parents on the progress of the class and any other pertinent class information. The studio will also email everyone regularly with all studio newsletters, recital information, and information regarding new programs, special events, and contests/special offers.

Please check your email regularly!

We encourage you to contact our office or your child’s teacher with any questions that arise throughout the year.


Dance training is built on standards that reflect respect and professionalism. These standards include listening to your instructor, following directions, and adhering to the required Dress Code. We expect our dancers to arrive on time, ready for dance, and to display courtesy to their parents, instructors, and classmates. Any misconduct unbecoming to students, guests, or instructors may result in suspension from class. The Studio is not responsible for lost or misplaced articles.

✦Please put names on all belongings.

✦Home practice is needed by each student to progress. We encourage parents to support this as it will help the instructors move each class and student at a faster rate, as well as promote progress.

✦Please inform your instructor of any injuries, allergies, or special needs that may require extra attention.

✦Talking, chewing gum, eating, drinking, sitting down, wandering in and out of the room, hanging on the barres, climbing on the mats, or leaning against the wall is as unacceptable during a class as they would be on stage in front of an audience.

✦Remember, a good attitude is very important in any learning environment.


✦Please follow all Studio Arrival and Departure procedures.

✦It is essential that students arrive to class on time. Teachers are only responsible for students during class time. Office personnel will monitor your dancer, but they are not allowed to watch your child for extended periods.

✦Please arrive completely prepared for class to start. This allows for a safe and proper warm-up to avoid injuries. BDA reserves the right to have students sit out of class if they come late and miss warm-ups or if the student is not in appropriate attire.

✦Regular attendance is critical for student progression and group choreography. Please try to make all scheduled classes to allow instructors and students to do the best job possible. Always contact the studio if you are going to be absent.

✦Students are not to be left at BDA for longer than 15 minutes before or after class, as there is no provision for watching unattended students. Please notify the office if an issue arises.

✦NO credits or refunds for missed classes. Make-up classes are allowed and must be made up within 8 weeks and prior to the end of the season. Make-ups should be arranged with the teacher of the class that was missed. Please notify the teacher prior to the student’s absence whenever possible. Always contact the studio if you are going to be absent.


BDA reserves the right to provide a substitute instructor if the regularly scheduled instructor is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If an instructor is unavailable and BDA cannot arrange for a substitute, parents and students will be notified as soon as possible and a make-up class will be scheduled by BDA at a different time.


Individual, group and class photos taken by us or an outside company that we hire may be used in any or all forms of media for advertising. The names of the children will not be used if photos are placed on social media, unless permission is given.


Bellevue Dance Academy does not mail out billing statements. Parents are responsible for the information that is emailed and posted at the studio. Please make sure our email is not going to your SPAM/JUNK folders. The email will come from info@bellevuedanceacademy.com. Often it will appear on your email as INFO.

When the studio is forced to close due to any unforeseen circumstances (including but not limited to weather cancellation, tornado, epidemic, states of emergency, etc.), we will offer make-up or virtual classes and tuition and fees paid to the date of closure are not refundable. Please understand that we cannot be responsible for acts of Mother Nature or other unforeseen circumstances. Changes in class structure do not lessen your monthly tuition.

Please note, we can only have ONE account holder. The account holder is responsible for the full balance. We will not split bill an other parent at any time. The account holder will pay the bill in full. It is not our responsibility to seek reimbursement from the other parent.


Class tuition is billed on a ten-month payment scale (September-June). The calendar is designed to make sure that each class has a minimum of 35 classes plus dress rehearsal and performance. Essentially, we have taken the yearly total for these 35 classes and, for your convenience, we have broken it down into 10 payments. Thus tuition is the same each month, September through June, regardless of how many lessons there are in any given month.


Tuition is due on the first of each month. You must provide a Visa or Mastercard. Your monthly tuition will then be automatically withdrawn each month on the first. If payment is returned for NSF or for any other reason, including expiration date or a canceled card, your account will be assessed a $30 re-processing fee.


If ANY payment (tuition, costume, recital fee, competition, etc) is LATE more than 5 days or RETURNED for NSF or any other reason, including expired or canceled card, your account will be assessed a $30 re-processing fee. Any student with an overdue balance of more than 60 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made. Costume orders can only be picked up once the account is paid in full.


A non-refundable registration fee is required at the time of enrollment along with a standard registration form. The annual fee is $35 for each dancer.


Costume fees will be approximately $60 - $95 per recital performance. We will do everything we can to keep this fee as reasonable as possible. A COSTUME DEPOSIT of $40 per costume will be automatically withdrawn on October 15th. You will then receive a statement with the costume balance due by December 5th. If not paid prior to December 5 th, the costume balance will be automatically withdrawn.


Recital fees are based on the number of registered dancers per family. This fee is due by February 15th.

✦This fee assists with covering the expenses of the recital, such as auditorium space, technical support, lighting rental, set pieces, props, custodial labor, security, and any other expenses associated with the recital. Recital fees are $90 for one dancer in a family, $152 for two dancers in one family, $200 for three dancers in one family, $236 for four dancers in one family, and $257 for five dancers in one family.

✦If you would like, you may start paying your recital fee as soon as you register. If not paid prior, recital fees will be automatically withdrawn on February 15 th.

✦In the event that the studio is unable to host a recital at a theater/auditorium due to unforeseen circumstances such as a pandemic or natural disaster, the studio will make every effort to offer, but not limited to, 1) alternative recital date with the same calendar year if possible, 2) offer a virtual recital, 3) offer a modified recital. Directors will determine the best format based on the circumstances as well as the safety of staff, students, families, and the community. Recital fees are non-refundable as long as the studio offers an end-of-season performance opportunity.


Tuition, costumes, competition, and travel fees are non-refundable. No credits or refunds for missed classes. If a credit is given, it will remain on your account for up to two years to be used on future tuition.


BDA reserves the right to cancel or combine a class with another appropriate class based on enrollment or other pertinent issues. Tuition will continue to be charged at the full amount if the studio is required to move to virtual classes only or a hybrid of virtual and in-person sessions. Exceptions will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


To transfer or add a class, please ask the front desk to complete an Additional Class Request Form for any classes you’d like to add. Then complete a Class Withdrawal Form for any classes you’d like to be removed from.


Students are registered and her/his place is held in class for the entire school year, from the date the registration form is signed through the June recital. Unless the student is removed from class by having a parent or guardian sign and date the “Class Withdrawal Form”, the parent or guardian will be responsible for tuition payments through the June recital. The only way to withdraw from a class is to complete the “Class Withdrawal Form”. This will stop the billing process. If the customer does not give this notice, monthly tuition will still be processed through auto-pay for the next month’s classes and they will be financially responsible for the amount. IF YOU ATTEND ANY PORTION OF THE MONTH, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULL MONTHLY TUITION. Calling, speaking to someone, telling a teacher, or e-mail are not accepted as forms of withdrawal.

It is advised to complete the form 4 weeks (one month) in advance so that we can cancel your automatic payment with the bank. Classes already paid for above and beyond the 4-week withdrawal notice will remain as a credit on your account for up to two years to be used on future tuition. Classes or payments from the 4-week withdrawal notice are not transferable to another student or sibling.

Parent Visitation

✦ There will be a parent visitation week scheduled each semester, which will be announced in an email and posted on the BDA Calendar. Parents are not allowed to sit in on classes, except during visitation week.

✦There are windows and a tv monitor to watch the students during class time.

✦Parents are asked to refrain from distracting students in class. Please allow the teacher to be the disciplinarian in the classroom. We ask that you do not enter the classroom to discipline your child. If you would like the teacher to take a different disciplinary approach, please make an appointment with the instructor to discuss what you would like to see done.

✦Teachers reserve the right to close the curtains at any time.

✦Parents are encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor, other than class time, to discuss their child’s progress. Please feel free to call the studio to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an appointment is very helpful, as teachers often have one class scheduled immediately following another.


It is understood that all activities of the dance class involve some degree of risk with inherent dangers for strain, illness or injury. Our staff is professionally trained and will train students in the safest manner possible. It is required that all students be covered by their own family’s insurance policy, and if an illness or injury occurs, it is understood that the student’s own policy is your only source of reimbursement. We are not responsible for illness or injuries sustained in class, on-premises, or at any related event.


Thank you for your continued trust in us. As with the transmission of any communicable disease like a cold or the flu, you may be exposed to COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, at any time or in any place.

✦Be assured that we are following state and federal regulations and recommend universal personal protection and

disinfection protocols to limit the transmission of all diseases in our studio and continue to do so.

All parents MUST complete an Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability.

✦We encourage you to follow any other protocol you feel will keep your dancer safe.

✦A complete list of dancer expected protocols is listed below.


✦ If your child has an infectious illness, please keep them home and email the studio to schedule a makeup class option.

✦ Dancers are allowed to bring a LABELED water bottle. We have water fountains available for re-filling.

✦ Dancers must wash hands well or use hand sanitizer as needed. But especially after sneezing, coughing, or blowing their nose.

✦ We encourage you to follow any other protocol you feel will keep your dancer safe.


Although we do try to follow the Bellevue Public Schools, for the most part, BDA will not necessarily close every time BPS closes. Many times roads are clear and safe by 2:30 pm. If in doubt: check your email, call the studio, or check our social media on Facebook and Instagram.