Students follow a dress code that reflects professionalism and discipline. This allows instructors to see body lines and make appropriate corrections. In order to protect the dance floor, dance shoes should be kept clean and are not to be worn outside the studio.

Hair must be pulled back in a sleek pony, braid, or bun and kept away from the face. No jewelry of any kind should be worn to class. Proper hair and no jewelry are a matter of safety, not fashion.

BDA reserves the right to have students sit out of class if not in appropriate attire. It is very important that all dance shoes, bags, etc., are labeled with the student’s name. We highly suggest the cost-effective, durable, practical, and colorful SHOE labels for your dance shoes, dance bag, jackets and coats, water bottles, dancewear, and your kids’ stuff – which you can find at www.oliverslabels.com/bellevuedanceacademy.

BDA is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.



Uniform: Streetwear that allows for movement-nothing tight or saggy.

Shoes: regular tennis shoes (PLEASE USE TENNIS SHOES DEDICATED FOR DANCE CLASS ONLY – NEVER OUTSIDE) or standard ballet shoes. If the child does not have shoes dedicated to the dance floor he/she will have to go barefoot. Socks are not safe!!!


We are excited to begin this adventure with your child, and we want to ensure a positive start by emphasizing the importance of adhering to our dance attire requirements. To set a standard for uniformity and to foster a focused learning environment, we require all dance adventures students to wear the specified dance attire.

Option 1 is a lavender leotard with ballet pink tights and ballet pink shoes.

Option 2 will be black dance shorts with a lavender t shirt and black ballet shoes.

The leotard and the tshirt must be purchased through BDA.

To keep it simple, we do have all your dance adventures dress code needs available to order at the front desk.

(Absolutely No Slippers please)

Click here to see the specifics and use the SIZING CHART! >Dance Adventures Dress Code

Click here >Dance Adventures Dress Code Order Form


Uniform: Black leotard with pink or skin tone tights. Also allowed are short, form-fitting shorts or a ballet skirt. Other warm up items will have to be removed for class.

Shoes: Ballet shoes should match tights.

Hair must be neatly secured away from the face, but not in something loose that has to be adjusted over and over again.

Pointe shoes will be needed for the Pointe class. Your instructor will advise you on how to buy pointe shoes. They are very specific, please do not try to go and buy them without instruction first.


Uniform: tight fitting DANCE WEAR!!! Absolutely no loose tshirts or baggy pants.

Tap Shoes: black tap shoes

Jazz Shoes: skin tone jazz shoes. Dancers will not be allowed to take class with only socks on. For Jazz class, if jazz shoes are forgotten, they will be asked to dance barefoot.


Uniform: Appropriate DANCE WEAR Shoes: Registered students will receive specific instructions for clogging shoes.


Uniform: tight fitting DANCE WEAR (nothing tight or saggy)

Shoes: Lyrical half-sole shoes or bare feet.


Uniform: Any color leotard, or unitard. Must have bare feet. Absolutely NO loose t-shirts or tight jeans/pants.


Uniform: streetwear that allows movement-Nothing tight or saggy.

Shoes: regular tennis shoes or jazz shoes (THESE SHOES MUST ONLY BE WORN IN CLASS – NEVER OUTSIDE)


Uniform: streetwear that allows movement-No Jeans. Nothing tight or saggy. Shoes: Caramel/tan or skin tone Jazz Shoes.


Uniform: streetwear that allows movement-No Jeans. Nothing tight or saggy.



Uniform: Solid black leggings, tights or shorts with any solid color t-shirt or BDA t-shirt. The teacher will need to see body lines to make appropriate corrections.

Shoes: Black ballet shoes, Black jazz shoes, Black Tap Shoes.


Dress code is about safety, discipline and professionalism

Not sure what to get or want to shop from home?

As parents ourselves, we know the value of quality and affordable dancewear! To help you with this, we have partnered with Discount Dance to provide you with everything you need and have it mailed directly to your home!

Shop the Dress Code for BDA online

To get a BDA exclusive discount, at check out, use the “Teacher ID” - 101558. You will receive 8% off of your order!

We also have CAPEZIO SIZERS to help you buy NEW SHOES!!!

Please feel free to stop by the front desk with any questions you might have about proper dance attire!

Want to shop local?

We love to recommend Bobby’s Dancewear! They can help you find just what you need.

Bobby’s Dancewear, 13471 West Center Road, Omaha, NE 68144, 402-334-1225

We have coupons at our front desk. If you forget to pick one up, just tell them you are with Bellevue Dance Academy and they will honor the discount.

Don’t Forget our BDA Foot Locker

If you need a new pair of shoes but aren’t ready to purchase new ones, you can check our BDA foot locker. Here’s how it works. It’s really simple…

When you need a pair, leave a spare! Just leave your old shoes and take a bigger size in exchange. We thank you for paying it forward with your used shoes as well. This handy dandy foot locker is also super helpful for when someone might forget their shoes at home or in Dad’s car. Because that never happens to any of us, right?

Obviously, not all sizes will be available as we are limited to what sizes are brought in.


★ Is your hair pulled back out of your face?

★ Did you take a drink?

★ Go to the bathroom?

★ Take off distracting clothing and jewelry?

★ Put your things away neatly?

★ No food, gum or candy?

★ Have on your leotard?

★ Have on your tights?